Hope ~ Poem by Margie – When The Heart Speaks

Fellow blogger Margie wrote this poem for me, right there in the moment, after reading my blog about everyone having a story, a personal struggle during these COVID-19 days. I wanted to share her poem, not only for its talented imagery of hope, but also for the reason that everyone, especially now, needs some hope!

S, ❤️

Hope ~

My hope springs up

in spite of blows

higher after every

fall ~

Down the road of

life it goes

bounding like

a rubber

ball !

About Margie…

Margie is a beautiful, loving soul whose poetry truly is when her heart speaks. Click the link below to access her blog, and read her heartfelt poetry…

When The Heart Speaks

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Margie says:

    OMG, Stephanie, I just back from a walk and I see your post!
    M’dear I was not expecting you to share the little poem I wrote you last night but how very sweet of you to do so!
    You truly are lovely to do me such an honor!
    Awwww, and there is the photo of my sweet Jake and I, he was my best buddy and I miss him so much!
    Thank you so much for your kind words, you are so kind and I am grateful to know you!
    <3 <3 <3

    1. I am grateful to know you!! So glad you like it!!! HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

      1. Margie says:

        It was such a surprise!
        You added joy to my day! 🙂
        <3 <3 <3

      2. ❤️❤️❤️

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