Halifax to Campbell River – March Break and Beyond as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic

March Break – 14th-22nd

For March Break, I traveled with our dog Pooh Bear from Nova Scotia to Vancouver Island, British Columbia to be with my husband Michael, who is readying our home to put on the market. The talk of the virus was everywhere during my flights. I washed my hands so many times with the variety of soaps in airport bathrooms and on the airplanes, my hands reacted with eczema. But I kept calm and washed on!!

Snowboarding at Mount Washington Alpine Resort

Monday morning, we went snowboarding! I practiced on the Bunny Hill while Michael rode the regular slopes! We only entered the lodge to use the bathroom. We washed our hands, of course. Social distancing hadn’t really taken effect in the lodge as the restaurants were open and all was operating as usual.

Willow Creek Walk

There are beautiful trails adjacent to our neighborhood! Tuesday, Michael and I took a break from working in the backyard, to enjoy a walk!

Backyard Concert

After our walk we returned to our backyard work of my painting the fence and Michael making a border for a garden. While we worked, we were entertained by neighbor’s putting on a backyard concert for everyone to hear!

Evening Walk

We concluded our day with a walk around the block. Campbell River is called God’s country. I can see why….

March 22nd and Beyond

The remaining March Break week evolved with the changing norm of social distancing, continued hand washing and minimizing outings to only the essentials like buying groceries. My return to Nova Scotia was booked on the 22nd of March. The uncertainty of my return to Nova Scotia and back to work at a public school started when all schools in Nova Scotia were closed “until April 6 as part of the province-wide measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This closure will be reassessed as the situation changes.”

Will be reassessed as the situation changes was the uncertainty. So, with Air Canada allowing for penalty free cancelations with a credit of the cancellation to be used within a year – I cancelled my flight home to Nova Scotia. I will rebook my flights home to Nova Scotia when schools reopens and I have to report back to work.

Settling In…

It’s been an adjustment settling into my husband’s routine of house and property improvement and repair. As well, finding a replacement for running (I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot). Gyms are closed and I am without my bicycle! Biking is the only exercise that does not hurt my foot! We do not have bikes here in BC, so we are looking at buying one that we can share. I’m also exploring online low-impact, high cardio exercise videos to try. Just like I’m not a fan of yoga, I’m not a fan of aerobics. But, it’s time to adjust with the times!

Michael and I have discussed at length how much focus to put on the virus. We’ve agreed to check the news once a day to make sure we are following proper protocols. But that is it. We will focus on staying healthy, being active, working on the house, not killing each other ( LOL!) and connecting to family and friends.

We will express our gratitude to grocery store workers, gas attendants and all those working to provide our basic needs when we venture out for essentials.

I’m also making an effort to minimize my time on Facebook, to avoid the gazillion of posts about the virus. While there are positive, uplifting posts there are also too many opinions and fake news.

I just want to keep this simple:

  • Love my husband and try not to kill each other as we ride out this pandemic!
  • Stay active and healthy – with exercise and diet
  • Continue an alcohol free lifestyle
  • Be grateful for our health and follow protocols to promote the decrease of the virus
  • Express gratitude to those working to provide essential services
  • Use each day to work on the house, or blog, or cook or do nothing
  • Be gentle with myself as I realize I will have emotional highs and lows during these irregular times
  • Stay in touch with family and friends
  • Promote kindness
  • And remember…. this too shall pass…..

S, <3

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Margie says:

    Dear Stephanie, thanks for sharing all the wonderful photos and video. (loved the music.)
    We are all facing such difficult days ahead of us with the virus and it’s going to get much worse.
    I am trying to be calm but it’s gets more difficult each day that passes!
    But, I will press on and know this shall pass even though I know it’s going to be a while.

    Take good care of yourself, be well and be safe!
    <3 <3 <3

    1. Margie, both you and your husband, take good care of each other and be safe…. Michael and I will also take good care of each other and be safe! <3 <3 <3

      1. Margie says:

        Thank you,Stephanie, we shall .<3 <3 <3

  2. mama says:

    Sounds like you have a great outlook on daily living.Your recap “on keeping it simple” is perfect. Get the daily news ONCE and then continue on living and working together to get the house in order.
    This too will pass and we must keep a positive attitude and keep living.Enjoy your walks and love the view of the mountains. Much love to you all … mama 💜🤗😍

    1. Much love to you too mama in Nova Scotia from me in British Columbia!! <3 <3 <3

  3. mama says:

    Love the video and music…Michael, with his talent could have joined in and made a 3 man neighbourhood ( over the fence ) band 🎸🎤
    🎸🎤🎸🎤… YEAH!!!!!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo💜🤗😍

    1. LOL!!!!! True!!! 🙂 🙂 <3

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