Giant Pumpkin Graveyard

My friend Liz and I went for a walk around the grounds of the oldest private school in Canada, King’s-Edgehill School. Here, we stumbled upon the remains of the pumpkins left over from the Windsor-West Hants Pumpkin Festival that takes place in October.

The giant pumpkins are grown at The Dill Farm, known for growing the largest pumpkins in the world!

These giant pumpkin remains were either part of the competition for the heaviest pumpkin or perhaps a pumpkin boat paddled across Lake Pesaquid during the Pumpkin Regatta!

S, 🙂

6 Comments Add yours

  1. tishmillette6067 says:

    Love the pumpkin grave yard. New life from old and some fertile soil too.

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    1. Exactly!!!!!!!!! <3

  2. Pumpkin graveyard. Could almost be a… pumpkin gourdyard? 🙂

    1. LOL!!!! Great play one words!! Funny!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. mama says:

    A baker 😳 would see a lot of unmade pumpkin pies 🥧🥧🥧. Stephanie, you find the most interesting places to pass on to us 😍😘

    1. Thanks mama!!! <3 <3 <3

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