Wadi Rum, Jordan – Part I – The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Visitor Centre & Mazayen Rum Camp

As we neared Wadi Rum, the dramatic sandstone landscape it is known for started to evolve.  Here is a camel walking along the road as we approached our first stop before camp, the Wadi Rum Visitor Centre. fullsizeoutput_a783fullsizeoutput_a784Then this magnificent rock formation appeared and is called The Seven Pillars of Wisdom after British soldier T.E. Lawrence’s autobiography.fullsizeoutput_a785fullsizeoutput_a788fullsizeoutput_a787

We arrived at the Visitor Centre where our driver Walid bought our tickets to enter the wadi and confirm our one and a half hour 4X4 tour of Wadi Rum.fullsizeoutput_a78afullsizeoutput_a789

View of The Seven Pillars of Wisdom rock formation from the Visitor Centre. fullsizeoutput_a78b

View of the desert from the parking lot.fullsizeoutput_a78f

From there we drove to the entry point to Mazayen Rum Camp. Here, Walid would follow our tour guide into the desert, to lead us to our camp. Once at the camp, Michael and I would check in, then meet up with the tour guide at the reception hall to start our tour.

That is Walid, our driver having a smoke while waiting for the tour guide who drives one of those trucks to lead us into the desert to our destination – Mazayen Rum Camp.fullsizeoutput_a791

The drive wasn’t too long, with many other similar looking camps along the way. At our camp, there were two types of camps – a tent or a dome. The domes were a recent addition to the camp, inspired from The Martian movie set, that was filmed in Wadi Rum.


Michael and I stayed in a tent camp. It’s not really a tent.  It’s like a one room wooden shed with a bathroom decorated to look like a bedouin tent!

The main dining hall, reception area.fullsizeoutput_a795fullsizeoutput_a793

Michael and I dropped our luggage into our tent and then it was time for our 4X4 tour of Wadi Rum!

Here is our Wadi Rum tour guide, whose name of course I can’t remember!fullsizeoutput_a796

S, 🙂

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